Shaping the Future of Women’s Health: Dynamic Duo Unveils Future Vision

Written by Dr. Brittany Barreto, Founder & CEO, FemHealth Insights, and Danielle Keiser, Menstrual Health Expert, and Essence App Advisor

In the rapidly evolving landscape of women's health and wellness, the power of collaboration and forward-thinking leadership knows no limits! 

At the forefront of this movement are two trailblazing entrepreneurs, field builders, and consultants, Dr. Brittany Barreto and Danielle Keiser. Their new partnership is driving the femtech industry forward. Together, they recently completed a groundbreaking project that applies current research and futurist methodology to anticipate the future of women's health products and innovation in 40 years.

Introduction: Brittany and Danielle - A Union of Vision and Expertise

Dr. Brittany Barreto has become a vanguard in women's health innovation with her doctorate in genetics and a resolute passion for femtech. As the Founder of FemHealth Insights and host of the FemTech Focus Podcast, Brittany's work is dedicated to advancing women's health by providing resources, capital, and awareness to an underserved industry. Her consulting firm, FemHealth Insights, is a testament to her commitment, offering unparalleled market research and strategic insights into women's health innovation.

Danielle Keiser, a recognized menstrual health expert and a major driving force behind menstrual health advocacy in the last decade, brings a wealth of experience and a global perspective. Her work spans multiple facets of female health, from igniting global Menstrual Hygiene Day (May 28) to founding the Menstrual Health Hub (acquired in 2022). In the last few years, Danielle has consulted for an impressive roster of clients, including The Body Shop, J&J, and Flo, focusing on trend forecasting and female health innovation. Her dedication to fostering a global community around menstrual health and wellness has made her influential.

Introduced to each other by The Case for Her, an investment portfolio focused on amplifying women's health issues, Brittany and Danielle's collaboration is a testament to the strength of partnerships in the femtech industry. Their shared ethos of awareness-raising, generosity, and sisterhood reflects the communal spirit that defines women’s health innovation and femtech, an industry built on collaboration and mutual upliftment.

A Major Project Opportunity: Envisioning the Future of Women's Health

Brittany and Danielle set out to deliver excellent findings for a major corporate client in the personal and intimate wellness industry. The project aims were to excavate and curate the latest research in female health to predict future trends in women's health innovation. Utilizing a comprehensive approach that combined market research, strategic foresight, and speculative design, they delved into macro trends, the latest research, and expert interviews to reveal incredible needs for innovation. 

Their methodology allowed them to uncover a slew of under-explored women’s health needs and envision new untapped areas of female health needs with proposed innovative product ideas to meet those exact needs. Using cutting-edge research and information from industry insiders, this project showcased their expertise in female health. It highlighted the need to include diverse perspectives regarding forecasting and shaping the future of women's health.

Impact of the Work: Influencing Corporations to Foster Change

The collaboration between Brittany and Danielle underscores a critical shift in the approach to women's health - from being a charitable cause championed by NGOs to a burgeoning industry with significant economic potential. 

Market giants drive rapid and impactful change much faster than the nonprofit or charity sector ever could. Brittany and Danielle's work on this project emphasizes corporations' power to help steer women toward informed choices, as solutions are as diverse as the people seeking them. Corporations are responsible for ensuring that their solutions are safe and communicated with the women’s best health interests in mind. Through strategic partnerships like these, the power of femtech emerges as a force through which we can foster innovation, improve accessibility, and mainstream women's health solutions. 

Call to Action: Harnessing Expertise for Innovation and Equity

The union of Brittany and Danielle's expertise offers a compelling call to action for corporations: to prioritize and invest in women's health innovation by hiring and consulting with experts in the field. 

Their work serves as a blueprint for how corporations can stay ahead of the game regarding market trends and contribute to a more equitable and inclusive healthcare landscape. By embracing the collaborative and female-driven ethos of femtech, corporations can unlock new avenues for growth and impact, paving the way for a healthier, more empowered future for women+ everywhere.

This collaboration between Brittany Barreto and Danielle Keiser is more than just a partnership; it's a powerful example of how unity, expertise, and visionary leadership can drive significant advancements in women's health. This project highlights the innovation potential and calls on corporations to recognize and harness the wealth of knowledge and insight experts like Brittany and Danielle offer. In doing so, they can contribute to a future where women's health products are not only innovative but also equitable and deeply attuned to the needs of women globally. 

This is the future of femtech, and it's a future 100% worth investing in.

About the Authors:

Dr. Brittany Barreto, Ph.D., is Founder and Chief Innovation Officer at FemHealth Insights. Every day, Brittany dedicates her work to advancing women’s health innovation by equipping key stakeholders with data-driven insights and strategic advice on the FemHealth market. She is also host of the FemTech Focus Podcast - the number 1 femtech podcast globally.

Danielle Keiser is a menstrual health expert and founded the Menstrual Health Hub, a leading authority on menstrual health worldwide. Every day, Danielle dedicates her work to advancing menstrual health innovation by uniting a global community of NGOs, businesses, activists, and researchers around menstrual research, education, policy, and innovation


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