Revolutionizing Solutions for Pelvic Organ Prolapse: FEMSelect's Innovative Approach

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Written by Dr. Brittany Barreto, Founder & CEO, FemHealth Insights

Raising Awareness in June: Prolapse Awareness Month

June is designated as Prolapse Awareness Month, a crucial time to spotlight pelvic organ prolapse, a condition affecting one in four adult women yet often shrouded in silence. This month helps raise the profile of a condition that remains under-discussed, promoting education and better health outcomes for women globally.

Understanding Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when pelvic organs, including the bladder, uterus, and rectum, fall from their normal position due to weakened pelvic floor muscles, creating a bulge in the vagina. This condition is predominantly triggered by factors such as vaginal childbirth, menopause, and chronic physical strain. Despite being a prevalent issue affecting one in four women over the age of 18, pelvic organ prolapse often goes untreated due to stigma and lack of information, leaving many to suffer in silence.

Stock photo or image featured in a FemHealth Insights article, showcasing femtech trends, innovation, research, and data in the women's health innovation and technology sector.
Stock photo or image featured in a FemHealth Insights article, showcasing femtech trends, innovation, research, and data in the women's health innovation and technology sector.

Figure 1. The left image shows pelvic organ prolapse, where the uterus is dropping low into the vagina. The right image shows a corrected pelvic prolapse with the uterus secured back up into the pelvis. 

The Consequences and Current Solutions

For many women, pelvic organ prolapse dramatically affects their quality of life, limiting social, professional, and sexual activities. Traditional therapies vary from non-surgical options like pelvic floor exercises and vaginal pessaries—a device inserted into the vagina to support the organs—to more invasive surgeries that can involve lengthy recoveries and potential complications. The cost of pelvic organ prolapse surgery in the United States amounts to over $4.5 billion USD annually, placing a significant financial burden on those affected. 

Introducing FEMSelect and EnPlace

Amidst the landscape of existing treatments, FEMSelect introduces EnPlace, a pioneering solution transforming the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse. This FDA-cleared, minimally invasive technology offers a fresh alternative to more invasive surgical procedures traditionally associated with higher risks and longer recovery times.

How EnPlace Works

EnPlace streamlines the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse by using a patented delivery system to precisely guide and deploy an anchor unit that secures the pelvic floor ligament through a small vaginal incision. This approach reduces operation time significantly—taking about 30 minutes compared to the hours needed for conventional surgeries—and allows for a rapid return to daily activities, typically within a few days.

Photo showcasing femtech medical device highlighting advancements in women's health technology and innovative health applications.
Photo showcasing femtech medical device, highlighting advancements in women's health technology and innovative health applications.

Figure 2. The patented delivery system enables the precise guidance, insertion, and deployment of the anchor unit. The anchor is designed to be introduced through the vaginal wall and secured to the pelvic floor ligament to provide stabilization.

The Impact of EnPlace

FEMSelect’s EnPlace system is designed to be a mesh-free and dissection-free solution, providing a safe and effective approach to the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse without the complications associated with synthetic mesh. Women undergoing the EnPlace procedure can expect minimal scarring, reduced postoperative pain, and a quick return to normalcy. Moreover, it preserves the possibility of uterine conservation, an important consideration for many women.

A Surge in Medical Acceptance

Since its introduction, EnPlace has been embraced by the medical community, especially given the recent controversies surrounding transvaginal mesh. Early clinical studies and post-market analyses suggest that EnPlace offers an effective, safe, and patient-friendly alternative for treating pelvic organ prolapse. Its adoption in over 100 facilities across the US underscores its growing significance in the field of Urogynecology.

FEMSelect's Vision for the Future

FEMSelect is not just innovating; it's redefining the approach to women's pelvic health. As the company expands its footprint globally, its mission remains clear: to offer accessible, less invasive options for pelvic organ prolapse, ensuring women can lead full, active lives without the shadow of prolapse looming over them.

FEMSelect's EnPlace system stands out as a beacon of innovation in the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse. As we observe Prolapse Awareness Month, let us align efforts to support technologies that enhance women's health outcomes and bring much-needed attention to this common yet overlooked condition. The future looks promising as we step away from invasive legacy procedures and embrace minimally invasive technologies that offer women safety, efficacy, and rapid recovery.

For more information, please contact us at or see our website 

About the Author:

Dr. Brittany Barreto, Ph.D., is the Founder and Chief Innovation Officer at FemHealth Insights. Every day, Brittany dedicates her work to advancing women’s health innovation by equipping key stakeholders with data-driven insights and strategic advice on the FemHealth market. She is also host of the FemTech Focus Podcast - the number 1 femtech podcast globally.


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