Closing the Sex and Gender Data Gap: My Normative's Mission for Health Equity

Cover image of the FemHealth Insights [report/article] on femtech trends, highlighting key market intelligence and growth opportunities in the women's health technology sector.

Written by Dr. Brittany Barreto, Founder & CEO, FemHealth Insights

The Existence of the Sex and Gender Data Gap

In an era brimming with data, the notion of a sex and gender data gap might seem perplexing. Yet, this gap is a stark reality, perpetuated by historical data collection that predominantly focused on cis, white males. This skewed focus has led to healthcare solutions that are often unsuitable or less effective for women and non-binary individuals, revealing a critical flaw in our scientific approaches. Danika Kelly, CEO and Co-founder of My Normative, emphasizes, "We're still relying on outdated proxies that don't just oversimplify but obscure the true diversity of human biology."

Historical Context and Ongoing Challenges

The roots of the sex and gender data gap can be traced back to historical precedents where simplifications were made in scientific study—famously criticized for the overreliance on "The Reference Man" concept. Such oversimplifications have led to a significant underrepresentation of women and other demographics in health data, impacting everything from drug efficacy to treatment protocols. As a result, the treatments developed are less effective for those not represented in the initial data sets.

The Impact of the Data Gap

The consequences of the sex and gender data gap are far-reaching, affecting women's health and our overall understanding of human health. Women and female-identifying individuals face a myriad of health disparities due to this lack of targeted research and data. Conditions that disproportionately or differently affect women, like cardiovascular diseases and autoimmune disorders, are often understudied and misunderstood. This perpetuates poor health outcomes and stifles medical advancements that could benefit a larger population.

My Normative: Bridging the Gap

My Normative is spearheading efforts to close this data gap. Their approach involves creating more inclusive research methodologies that account for sex and gender differences at scale. Kelly shares, "Research is healthcare, and to shift health outcomes, we need to start with inclusive, representative research."

Strategies and Innovations by My Normative

My Normative is making significant strides by implementing innovative data collection processes that enhance the understanding of sex and gender differences in health. They are focused on disaggregating sex and gender data, considering hormonal variability, and integrating these variables into health research. Their platform aids researchers by providing tools and frameworks to collect and analyze data that accurately reflects the diversity of human biology.

My Normative works with researchers and innovators to more easily account for sex and gender-based differences in their research, derisk the clinical trial process, and reduce logistical and financial burdens.

Their products specialize in facilitating:

  • Data collection processes that enable the identification and disaggregation of sex, gender, and ethnic ancestry demographics

  • Collection and identification of reproductive life stage changes and variability alongside hormonally related symptoms and reproductive events

  • Hormonal state identification machine learning to serialize hormonal profiles that occur across the menstrual cycle

  • Early identification of adverse events that could be associated with sex or gender-based differences

  • A derisked path to market by being able to understand/identify why an event occurs or what influenced the event

Looking Forward: A Future of Equitable Health Outcomes

The path forward is clear. To achieve equitable health outcomes, the scientific community must embrace and invest in research methodologies that reflect the diverse spectrum of human experiences. My Normative is at the forefront of this transformation, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in medical research and innovation. As Kelly aptly puts it, "We are not just filling a gap; we are creating a foundation for a more inclusive understanding of health that will benefit all of society."

Through its rigorous efforts and innovative platform, My Normative is challenging the status quo and paving the way for a future where health equity is a reality, not an aspiration. Its work promises to reshape the health research landscape, ensuring that all individuals, regardless of sex or gender, receive effective, personalized medical care and treatment.

Want to learn more about My Normative’s platform and how they can support your research? Book a meeting with My Normative Director of Growth, Allison Swelin, today. 

About the Author:

Dr. Brittany Barreto, Ph.D., is the Founder and Chief Innovation Officer at FemHealth Insights. Every day, Brittany dedicates her work to advancing women’s health innovation by equipping key stakeholders with data-driven insights and strategic advice on the FemHealth market. She is also host of the FemTech Focus Podcast - the number 1 femtech podcast globally.


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