3 Key Steps to Securing a Job in Women’s Health Innovation

Written by Dr. Brittany Barreto, Ph.D., Founder & Chief Innovation Officer, FemHealth Insights

The world of women's health innovation is undergoing major growth, bringing with it unparalleled opportunities for those seeking to make their mark in this dynamic field. But it can be hard to know where to start. This guide outlines three fundamental steps to securing a fulfilling career in women's health innovation. We'll explore these steps in detail, highlighting the tangible strategies and actions you can use to land your dream job.

The healthcare industry is evolving rapidly, and within its vast landscape, women's health innovation stands out as a domain that requires a nuanced understanding. To begin a successful career in this field, there are several steps you can take to be a frontrunner for a open position: getting familiar with the industry, gaining relevant experience, and securing a role. Let's delve into each of these steps, incorporating insights from those who’ve done it, to provide you with a comprehensive guide for navigating a transformative career in women's health innovation.

Step 1: Getting Familiar with the Industry, Community and Lingo

Women's health innovation is not like traditional healthcare with unique challenges such as business models and marketing. To truly immerse yourself, you must understand the intricacies and nuances that set women's health apart. Take time to do your research and familiarize yourself with the uniqueness of FemTech and FemHealth.

Subscribe to Industry Newsletters:

Stay abreast of the latest developments by subscribing to newsletters such as FemHealth Insights, FemTech Insider, FemTech India, WHAM, and the Office of Women's Health Research. These newsletters serve as invaluable resources for staying informed about industry trends, statistics, and thought leadership.

Attend Industry Events:

Networking and building relationships are cornerstones of success in women's health innovation. Attend events hosted by organizations like Women of Wearables, Cambridge FemTech Society, Tech4Eva, Society for Women's Health Research, Nogafem, FemTech Lab, The Femtech Salon, and Femtech Israel. These events offer a unique opportunity to connect with professionals, gain insights, and foster meaningful relationships.

Join Industry Groups:

Active participation in industry groups is crucial. Join communities such as Femtech Canada and FemHealth Insights to engage in discussions, exchange ideas, and stay updated on potential job opportunities.

Utilize Industry Resources:

Podcasts and resources like FemTech Focus, Legally FemTech, Hit Like a Girl Pod, and Beyond the Paper Gown provide insights into the industry's intricacies. These resources will enrich your understanding of key topics and emerging trends.

I was able to network and learn about how people from different backgrounds and skills can contribute and grow in this space. I actually got my current job today from just listening in on a FemTech pitch competition and reaching out to a consultant who had offered her services to people in the comments. - Sanjana Gokhale

Step 2: Gaining Relevant Experience

Interning with a Startup:

Interning with a femtech startup offers a hands-on experience that is both enriching and valuable. Frame your internship as a consulting opportunity on your resume and LinkedIn profile, highlighting the practical skills and insights gained during your time with the startup.

Part-Time or Project-Based Work:

Explore part-time or project-based opportunities with women's health companies. Startups often require additional support for specific projects, providing you with a chance to contribute meaningfully to the organization.

Become a Thought Leader:

Establishing yourself as a thought leader requires proactive effort. Write articles on topics relevant to women's health, share them on LinkedIn, and actively participate in virtual events and online communities. This not only showcases your expertise but also contributes to the broader thought leadership in the industry.

Add Value to Virtual Events and Chats:

Active participation in virtual events is key. Engage in event chats, ask questions, share insights, and connect with industry professionals. Virtual events provide a unique opportunity to make your presence known and demonstrate your enthusiasm for women's health innovation.

The [FemHealth Insights] fellowship paved the way for my professional growth, allowing me to establish valuable connections with key figures in the industry. These relationships have been essential in creating a solid professional network within the FemTech sector. - Carley Prentice

Step 3: Securing Your Role

Finding a Job with a Femtech Startup:

Explore job opportunities with femtech startups through various channels. Subscribe to newsletters, check job boards by femtech communities, and actively participate in the jobs channel within the FemHealth Insights slack community. Tailor your applications to showcase your in-depth knowledge of the industry.

Create Your Own Role:

An entrepreneurial approach involves reaching out to larger tech or healthcare companies. Identify gaps in their women's health offerings and position yourself as the solution. This proactive strategy is a tough, but tried and tested method.

Leverage Thought Leadership for Job Seeking:

Your thought leadership efforts can directly contribute to your job-seeking journey. By consistently producing insightful content, whether through articles, blog posts, or engaging in meaningful discussions on LinkedIn, you enhance your visibility and credibility within the industry.

Build a Personal Brand:

Craft a compelling personal brand that reflects your passion for women's health innovation. Clearly communicate your unique value proposition, skills, and experiences across your resume, LinkedIn profile, and other professional platforms.

Network Effectively:

Networking remains a linchpin for career success. Actively engage with professionals in the field, both online and offline. Attend networking events, connect on LinkedIn, and initiate conversations to expand your professional circle.

I reached out for working opportunities that weren't necessarily posted anywhere. Before I knew it, I was a freelancer in the FemTech space and all my work has led to my current amazing role as Product Designer at kegg - Mariana Keymolen


Embarking on a career in women's health innovation is a journey that requires dedication, continuous learning, and strategic planning. But by following the three key steps outlined here you will position yourself for success in a field that not only demands expertise but a genuine commitment to advancing women's health.

In this transformative era of healthcare, women's health innovation is at the forefront of groundbreaking developments. Whether you choose to contribute to a femtech startup, create your own role in an established company, or leverage your thought leadership to secure a position, the key is to remain proactive, passionate, and adaptable. As you navigate this exciting field, remember that every step you take contributes not only to your professional growth but also to the broader mission of advancing women's health and well-being.

About the Author:

Dr. Brittany Barreto, PH.D., is Founder and Chief Innovation Officer at FemHealth Insights. Every day, Brittany dedicates her work to advancing women’s health innovation by equipping key stakeholders with data-driven insights and strategic advice on the FemHealth market. She is also host of the FemTech Focus Podcast - the number 1 femtech podcast globally.


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